Sunday, January 11, 2009

Design in Space!

I bought Barbarella on DVD ages ago and never got around to watching it till the other night. WHY it sat on my shelf for so long I have no idea! It is one of the funniest, campiest, and still relevant from a style perpective. Still can't get over Jane Fonda getting neekid in the opening sequence! And being so promiscuous - the little tart!

(I wonder how long that will last on YouTube before someone flags it.)

If you haven't seen it yet - you have to! If not, just to see this incredibly hilarious sex scene.

Let's not forget Kylie Minogue's ode to the opening weightless strip scene from the movie in her video, Put Your Self In My Place.

What inspired me to take that plastic covering off was my update from Windfall Clothing for 2009's Buy Design theme - it's Barbarella and all things in space!!! Stay tuned for more details! It was one of my favourite parties of 2008 and for sure will live up to (if not surpass) all expectations this year too!

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