I do want everyone to support and promote Canadian fashion, so I will post the link on where to get passes to LG Fashion Week, but before I do, I'd like to share my "Ten Fashion Commandments" for attending industry fashion shows:
1. Thou shall not drink too much Prosecco in a can.
2. Thou shall dress to impress.
3. Thou shall wait thy turn to get into the runway room.
4. Thou shall remain outside the runway room for invite only shows.
5. Thou shall expect standing room only.
6. Thou shall not steal seats.
7. Thou shall not covet the gift bags of your neighbours.
8. Thou shall not speak loudly during the show.
9. Thou shall respect the space of the media.
10. Thou shall not stalk the models.
Provided I haven't put you off too much, you can get your public day passes through the F-List for $75 each day of shows.
See you in the tents, just don't steal my seat - please! ;)
ahahaha Gail this is hilarious! "shows are too short?" clearly they don't know what a fashion show is.
hahaha. Gold.
I love this article!
The "Ten Fashion Commandments" should become official and be posted at the entrances of runway rooms :)
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