Sunday, February 3, 2008

Spice Invasion at Holts

Spice City is all a buzz about spotting of Spice Girls. Yesterday my phone kept ringing with updates on which sections of Holts they were shopping in. Hoards of fans stalked them around the store. I'm not into stalking, so I stayed home waiting for the next update.

Posh apparently had her personal stylist pre-shop for her. She told a sales assistant that her sons were having a great time here and were especially loving all the snow. (Well, at least someone is.) A truck came to pick up all Posh's merch (estimated $50,000 worth) - now that's how you shop! The girls ended up staying in the store after it closed. General consensus was that they all love Toronto and they were saying how everyone was giving them their space and not hassling them. (Canadians are so polite.) Then they ate in the Holt's cafe where supermodel, Gisele Bunchen joined them. One of those scoopers was I Want - I Got who gives her insights on her blog.

They are playing their first Toronto show tonight. I'm going tomorrow!

To be honest, I feel a little Spiced out.

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