While we have sadly lost our flagship store of 13 years in the blaze that tore through the treasured block along Queen West, we want to reassure our valued customers that Preloved will persevere!!!

As of Wednesday, February 27th, we will be setting up a temporary location just around the corner from the store. Come check out the gorgeous spring ’08 styles that weren’t destroyed in the fire! Or just drop by for a visit, we would absolutely love to see everyone!!!
We wish to thank everyone for their incredible support this past week. We’ve received a ton of totally thoughtful and heartfelt messages that we are eternally grateful for! We couldn’t do this without you!
The Details…
Address: 24 Ryerson Ave, Basement Suite (same location as our warehouse sale!)
Hours of Operation: Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 12-6pm
Contact: 416.703.1936