Friday, September 26, 2008

VitaminWater Everywhere!

A couple months ago a delivery of VitaminWater came to my work in a super long box - free juice? Woo! Then I was delivered individual juices - one a day for a week with a cute little card telling me things like:

you've just tolled into "the office" and your breakfast didn't quite cut it. you need something citrus before you handle the tasks at hand.

solution: take a swig of essential - orange orange (c + calcium). it tastes great and gives you an extra shot of vitamin c and calcium to kick start your day.
Now, I'm not one to easily fall for marketing and promotions, but I just can't help but see VitaminWater EVERYWHERE - from the CNE, store openings, fashion shows, and events. I've even seen the truck a few times around time. This is one aggressive marketing campaign. An actor friend of mine said the other night she'd also been getting bottles delivered to her house and said it's great for being on set - she'll drink it instead of coffee. How's that for a free ad?

Obviously it's not as healthy as you think - it's loaded with cane sugar, but at least it's not aspartame. (I just won't do diet.) But it's certainly one of the best choices out there if you want some juice with a little vitamin kick. I just wish it would tell us exactly how much of each vitamin is actually in there.

UPDATE: Men's Health has named VitaminWater the Worst "Healthy" Drink stating that it has as many calories and sugar as a can of Coke! Maybe it's not so great a choice after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm suckered into the pretty marketing of vitamin water. it's not cheap either!! and the taste is....a watered down version of what you would expect the flavors to taste like (ie. watered down fruit punch, watered down orange juice...)