Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How Luxury Lost It's Lustre

I'm reading Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Lustre by Dana Thomas. I can't guarantee on when I'll be finished. Between work and trying to read it on crammed subway cars in rush hour, I've only just gotten about a third through, but I will try and squeeze in some time to share my thoughts.

If you want a history of the luxury industry definitely pick it up. It's a really interesting read (well, so far anyway) and it's chock full of facts and stories about all the major luxury brand labels.

I've never been a label whore and I've never understood the draw to the Louis Vuitton handbag that everyone seems to covet - real or fake. But I do love that she brings it all out to the forefront about most luxury brands being owned by major publicly traded companies and mass-manufactured in the same factories as Walmart. Just check out the LVMH website to see who they own.

Seems like Thomas is making quite a scene in the international fashion community. A recent clip from Fashion Television interviewed the author on the book and tried to get many of fashion's influencers to voice their opinion on the topics discussed in the book - many kept their mouths zipped tighter than their grasp on their $3,000 Balenciaga purse. Check out the clip here.

If you do decide to read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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